We are excited to present our Tree of Life class as a course you can complete in your own time! Developed and taught in partnership with Rabbi Nadya Gross of Yerusha, this course grew out of her
Secrets My Grandmother Told Me:
Yerusha’s Signature Wisdom School

Encountering The Tree of Life
with Rabbi Nadya Gross & Kohenet D’vorah Grenn, Ph.D.
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life can be interpreted as both the map of how Creation came into being, and the Divine image in which all of Creation and Humankind are formed. This “do-at-your-own-pace” course introduces the Tree of Life as a blueprint for living, as interpreted through a female Kabbalist tradition.
Each section will focus on a different part of the Tree, and participants will experience the attributes and journey through recorded teachings, readings, embodied expression, and journaling/sketching.
Use the Contact link for any inquiries into our offerings. Please indicate your area of interest in the SUBJECT LINE.
Private One-to-One Sessions: To book a Spiritual Guidance or Mentorship session, or a private class please write to for more information.
Talking to Goddess
Blessings, invocations, chants, prayers, oriki and discussions with Spirit from 72 women in 25 different spiritual traditions around the world:
What people are saying about Talking to Goddess…
“Talking to Goddess is a cacophony of whispers, prayers, and sweet sound vibrations reflecting the many ways everyday women can communicate with the divine essence of nature…” – Chief Luisah Teish, author of Jambalaya and Carnival of the Spirits
“This cornucopia of blessings and chants is both an excellent resource for use in rituals and a powerful introduction to the many faces of Goddess.” – Dr. Judith Plaskow, Professor Emeritus, Manhattan College, Religious Studies and author, Standing Again at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective
“I feel such a sense of centering calm and power reading through the prayer poems.” – Mary Beth Moser, author, Honoring Darkness: Exploring the Power of Black Madonnas in Italy –
“It was the highlight of my day to see all these wise words lighting up the pages… An inspiring collection!” – Nane Ariadne Jordan, mother, scholar, birth attendant, artist, educator and author, Placenta Wit: Mothers Stories, Rituals and Research, Vancouver, British Columbia
Available as print or e-book at
Lilith’s Fire – Reclaiming our Sacred Lifeforce,
by Deborah (D’vorah) Grenn
In Lilith’s Fire, Grenn examines why and how modern women are still demonized-identified as “bad” for actions perceived as reasonable for men, through techniques used for thousands of years-and how women have started to reverse this tendency by redefining right and wrong. Demonization, she notes, has been effective: controlling, manipulating and dividing women to keep them powerless, pitting Lilith against Eve, “good girl” against “bad girl”; and as a means of keeping one group, religion or idea dominant over another.
Available as an e-book or print copy at: Universal Publishers
Stepping Into Ourselves: An Anthology of Writings on Priestesses
by Anne Key & Candace Kant
[Includes D’vorah Grenn’s article on claiming the title Kohenet: “Kohanot: Keepers of the Flame”]