Past ‘Casts

Podcasts & Broadcasts

Sep 11, 2023 ~ D’vorah Grenn, Ph.D recently spoke with Karen Tate on her wonderful podcast, Voices of the Sacred Feminine about my Talking to Goddess anthology, the importance of women’s writing, and especially women coming together to write their own prayers, and why that’s so important.


Podcast with Jovelyn Richards and D’vorah Grenn

Episode #4: November 18, 2022

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Episode #3: October 17, 2022

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Episode #2: August 24, 2022

Listen on Spotify  |  Listen on Apple Podcasts

Episode #1: July 15, 2022

Listen on Spotify Listen on Apple Podcasts


See my 6-7 minute YouTube conversations with Reb Nadya Gross about the Divine/human qualities on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, from Manifestation to Creativity, HERE!

Broadcast / Podcast

HEAR NOW: Dr. D’vorah Grenn’s interview 5/2/22, with Host Jovelyn Richards on her KPFA/94.1FM Women’s Magazine radio program “The Space Between Us”

Breaking Down Patriarchy and the Vilification of Women (Ep #18)

…with Lucy Allebest & Dr. D’Vorah Grenn

Throughout history women have been misrepresented as villains and monsters: witches, demons, succubus, and beyond. And this misrepresentation of our bodies and minds as evil is no accident! Rather, the vilification of women is a practical tool of patriarchal systems which remains painfully relevant today. After all, if we cast women as monsters, that must make the men controlling them heroes—and who would want to listen to the words of a she-demon? Who would want to vote for one?

The damage caused by this vilification is long lasting, so in order to help us unpack some of its history and present-day impact two remarkable women joined us for this episode — Dr. D’Vorah Grenn and Lucy Allebest.

Join us as we discuss healing from — not normalizing! — the cultural abuses that run throughout our organizational systems, and often in personal/professional relationships in our sexist, racist, patriarchal culture.

Rediscovering the Kohenet

The Girlfriend God Podcast – Season 3

Mindfully Integrative

with Dr. Damaris Maria Grossman ~ October 2022

D’vorah Grenn with Carmen Roman, Ph.D.

Interview from 2018